Structural Equation Models
Simply speaking, a structural equation model (SEM) is a combination of confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis. Structural equation modeling includes two sets of models – the measurement model and the structural model. The measurement model can be expressed as a factor model. Figure 1 is a model to measure cognitive ability using three variables – verbal ability, math ability, and speed ability (note each of them can be viewed as factors measured by lower level observed variables).

Figure 2 gives another example of measurement model – a model to measure health.

If one believes that health influences cognitive ability, then one can fit a path model using the factors – cognitive ability and health. Therefore, a structural model is actually a path model. Putting them together, we have a model in Figure 3. This model is called SEM model.

Example 1. Autoregressive model
In ACTIVE study, we have three variables – word series (ws), letter series (ls), and letter sets (ls) to measure reasoning ability. Also, we have data on all these three variables before and after training. Assume we want to test whether reasoning ability before training can predict reasoning ability after training. Then the SEM model in Figure 4 can be used. Not that we allow the factor in time 1 to predict the factor at time 2. In addition, we allow the uniqueness factors for each observed variable to be correlated. The R code for the analysis is given below.
First look at model fit. The chi-square value is 27 with 5 degrees of freedom. The p-value for chi-square test is almost 0. Thus, based on chi-square test, this is not a good model. However, CFI and TFI are both close to 1. The RMSEA is about 0.063 and SRMR is about 0.011. Considering the sample size here is large – N=1114, overall, we may accept this model is a fairly good model. Then we can answer our question. Because the regression coefficient from reasoning1
to reasoning2
is significant, reasoning ability before training seems to predict reasoning ability after training. In other words, those with higher reasoning ability before training tend to have higher reasoning ability after training.
>>> import pandas as pd >>> import semopy as sem >>> >>> active = pd.read_csv('') >>> active.head() group training gender age edu mmse ... ept5 hvltt6 ws6 ls6 lt6 ept6 0 3 1 2 67 13 27 ... 24 23 8 12 6 21 1 4 0 2 69 12 28 ... 22 28 17 16 7 17 2 1 1 2 77 13 26 ... 21 18 10 13 6 20 3 4 0 2 79 12 30 ... 9 21 12 14 6 11 4 4 0 2 78 13 27 ... 14 19 4 7 3 16 [5 rows x 36 columns] >>> >>> # Define the path model using the function Model >>> reason = ''' ... reasoning1 =~ ws1 + ls1 + lt1 ... reasoning2 =~ ws2 + ls2 + lt2 ... reasoning2 ~ reasoning1 ... ws1 ~~ ws2 ... ls1 ~~ ls2 ... lt1 ~~ lt2 ... ''' >>> >>> # Create the SEM model >>> model = sem.Model(reason) >>> >>> # Fit the model to data >>>, obj='MLW') SolverResult(fun=np.float64(0.024429719030549357), success=np.True_, n_it=75, x=array([ 1.1923563 , 0.42160725, 1.10989186, 0.41100013, 1.07255671, 1.21544415, 5.50301535, 0.35631041, 4.54445574, 1.59682408, 3.99730233, 5.16261326, 3.96313095, 19.09800275, 2.4438106 , 5.02860405]), message='Optimization terminated successfully', name_method='SLSQP', name_obj='MLW') >>> >>> # Get parameter estimates and model fit statistics >>> params = model.inspect() >>> print(params) lval op rval Estimate Std. Err z-value p-value 0 reasoning2 ~ reasoning1 1.072557 0.024421 43.919356 0.0 1 ws1 ~ reasoning1 1.000000 - - - 2 ls1 ~ reasoning1 1.192356 0.029734 40.10102 0.0 3 lt1 ~ reasoning1 0.421607 0.016032 26.298412 0.0 4 ws2 ~ reasoning2 1.000000 - - - 5 ls2 ~ reasoning2 1.109892 0.025606 43.344752 0.0 6 lt2 ~ reasoning2 0.411000 0.013963 29.435194 0.0 7 reasoning1 ~~ reasoning1 19.098003 1.06 18.016987 0.0 8 reasoning2 ~~ reasoning2 2.443811 0.288452 8.472166 0.0 9 ws1 ~~ ws2 1.215444 0.327033 3.716576 0.000202 10 ws1 ~~ ws1 5.503015 0.384439 14.314406 0.0 11 ls1 ~~ ls2 0.356310 0.401038 0.888471 0.374288 12 ls1 ~~ ls1 4.544456 0.474749 9.572341 0.0 13 lt1 ~~ lt2 1.596824 0.138309 11.545315 0.0 14 lt1 ~~ lt1 3.997302 0.181153 22.065868 0.0 15 ls2 ~~ ls2 5.162613 0.50702 10.182264 0.0 16 lt2 ~~ lt2 3.963131 0.181185 21.873453 0.0 17 ws2 ~~ ws2 5.028604 0.418802 12.007123 0.0 >>> >>> # Check model fit >>> fit_stats = sem.calc_stats(model) >>> print(fit_stats.T) Value DoF 5.000000 DoF Baseline 15.000000 chi2 27.214707 chi2 p-value 0.000052 chi2 Baseline 5827.747609 CFI 0.996178 GFI 0.995330 AGFI 0.985990 NFI 0.995330 TLI 0.988535 RMSEA 0.063181 AIC 31.951141 BIC 112.202539 LogLik 0.024430
Example 2. Mediation analysis with latent variables
In path analysis, we have fitted a complex mediation model. Since we know that ws1, ls1, and lt1 are measurements of reasoning ability, we can form a latent reasoning ability variable. Thus, our mediation model can be expressed as in Figure 5.
Given CFI = 0.997, RMSEA = 0.034 and SRMR = 0.015, we accept the model as a good model even though the chi-square test is significant. Based on the Sobel test, the total indirect effect from age
to ept1
through hvltt1
and reasoning
is significant.
>>> import pandas as pd >>> import semopy as sem >>> >>> active = pd.read_csv('') >>> active.head() group training gender age edu mmse ... ept5 hvltt6 ws6 ls6 lt6 ept6 0 3 1 2 67 13 27 ... 24 23 8 12 6 21 1 4 0 2 69 12 28 ... 22 28 17 16 7 17 2 1 1 2 77 13 26 ... 21 18 10 13 6 20 3 4 0 2 79 12 30 ... 9 21 12 14 6 11 4 4 0 2 78 13 27 ... 14 19 4 7 3 16 [5 rows x 36 columns] >>> >>> # Define the path model using the function Model >>> mediation = ''' ... reasoning =~ ws1 + ls1 + lt1 ... reasoning ~ p4*age + p8*edu ... hvltt1 ~ p2*age + p7*edu ... hvltt1 ~~ reasoning ... ept1 ~ p1*age + p6*edu + p3*hvltt1 + p5*reasoning ... ''' >>> >>> # Create the SEM model >>> model = sem.Model(mediation) >>> >>> # Fit the model to data >>>, obj='MLW') SolverResult(fun=np.float64(0.01648660127934054), success=np.True_, n_it=61, x=array([ 1.1813286 , 0.4302183 , -0.22776465, 0.74453542, -0.16096774, 0.42906056, 0.03010017, 0.3958467 , 0.16929646, 0.64380195, 7.25417482, 20.62231162, 11.47651861, 4.84810153, 3.91702063, 13.80250607, 5.33834949]), message='Optimization terminated successfully', name_method='SLSQP', name_obj='MLW') >>> >>> # Get parameter estimates and model fit statistics >>> params = model.inspect() >>> print(params) lval op rval Estimate Std. Err z-value p-value 0 reasoning ~ age -0.227765 0.023387 -9.738998 0.0 1 reasoning ~ edu 0.744535 0.047138 15.794814 0.0 2 hvltt1 ~ age -0.160968 0.026505 -6.073008 0.0 3 hvltt1 ~ edu 0.429061 0.052478 8.176057 0.0 4 ws1 ~ reasoning 1.000000 - - - 5 ls1 ~ reasoning 1.181329 0.028638 41.250755 0.0 6 lt1 ~ reasoning 0.430218 0.016082 26.752113 0.0 7 ept1 ~ age 0.030100 0.021597 1.39371 0.163405 8 ept1 ~ edu 0.395847 0.046402 8.530857 0.0 9 ept1 ~ hvltt1 0.169296 0.026082 6.49092 0.0 10 ept1 ~ reasoning 0.643802 0.03536 18.206843 0.0 11 hvltt1 ~~ reasoning 7.254175 0.591505 12.263938 0.0 12 hvltt1 ~~ hvltt1 20.622312 0.873795 23.600847 0.0 13 reasoning ~~ reasoning 13.802506 0.776626 17.772392 0.0 14 ept1 ~~ ept1 11.476519 0.521154 22.021337 0.0 15 ls1 ~~ ls1 4.848102 0.444375 10.909932 0.0 16 lt1 ~~ lt1 3.917021 0.180868 21.656765 0.0 17 ws1 ~~ ws1 5.338349 0.365475 14.606612 0.0 >>> >>> # Check model fit >>> fit_stats = sem.calc_stats(model) >>> print(fit_stats.T) Value DoF 11.000000 DoF Baseline 23.000000 chi2 18.366074 chi2 p-value 0.073466 chi2 Baseline 3349.940000 CFI 0.997786 GFI 0.994517 AGFI 0.988537 NFI 0.994517 TLI 0.995371 RMSEA 0.024529 AIC 33.967027 BIC 119.234138 LogLik 0.016487
To cite the book, use:
Zhang, Z. & Wang, L. (2017-2025). Advanced statistics using Python. Granger, IN: ISDSA Press. ISBN: 978-1-946728-01-2.
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